Wednesday, December 18, 2013

HAPPY GRINCH DAY!  Do you recognize these grinning Grinches??


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Today was the BEST DAY EVER in kindergarten :) because we finally got to decorate our gingerbread houses!!  Thanks again to everyone who sent in goodies...MOST of them went on our houses.  (Of course, some might have gone in our tummies, too :)
Here are some pictures....

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

We have been enjoying LOTS of gingerbread stories the past few days.  We read about the gingerbread man, the gingerbread girl, the gingerbread cowboy, gingerbread Fred, gingerbread baby,  and the stinky cheese man. Which was your child's favorite?? (Most LOVED the stinky cheese man...ha!)  Today we decorated cookies, and graphed which part we bit first.

Tomorrow we'll make our gingerbread houses...we can't wait!!  (A BIG  thank you for sending in all the goodies :)